
About Attitude

I thought this when I visit my in laws,GOOD STUFF:

"The longer I live,the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude,to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances than failures, than success, than what other people think,say or do. It is more important than appearance,giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company,a church...a home.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to and so it is with you. We are each in charge of our attitudes."


Final Fantasy - My favorite animation

What FF impresses me is the characters' REAL skin texture,VIVID emotions and touching stories:

*AMV Final Fantasy VIII Squall, Rinoa "Gravity (Vienna Teng)" .
The scence that Laguna proposed to Raine always reminds me when John proposed to me...
(Raine lives in Winhill. She took Laguna in when he was found after the accident in Centra, and nursed him back to good health. Even after recuperating, Laguna didn't leave Winhill, preferring to stay with Raine and Ellone, and to lead a peaceful life. Over time, Laguna and Raine developed feelings for one another, and eventually Laguna proposed. They were married, but Ellone was kidnapped and Laguna left Raine to go search for her. He found Ellone in Esthar, but he lost Raine - she died while he was away. Although we are not told definitively, it is most likely that she died in childbirth, and that she had a son - Squall Leonhart. Laguna never returned to Winhill. Although we don't see much of Laguna and Raine's relationship, it was evidently true love. They were married, and in the proposal scene they are both very happy. Although Raine seemed to be annoyed by Laguna's behavior at first, he obviously grew on her.)

*Final Fantasy Advent Children "The Reason"

*Final Fantasy Music Video - Moby - Play
"There are 20 angels in this world
10 are sleeping
9 are playing
1 is reading this" *^_^*

*California Dreaming in such a winter day!


Green Love

Love From my Garden.

连续下了几场冬雨后,后花园的小草们变得好绿好绿。 早上起来拍下这些还带着雨珠和露珠的小草们,顺便配上一些文字心情。

Samson 家有笨狗

Samson left by Ruth,SNOOOOOPY's sister. But She never came back to take Samson home...



1.性格太温存 敌我不分 已经被去了声带的他不会像其他狗那样吼,听老公说以前带他遛狗的时候,Samson被其他小狗咬了也一点反应没有,只是摇摇尾巴。可怜,我还想靠他来给我们守门呢。

2.毛太多 不喜欢洗澡 ,特别现在是雨季,Samson整套在地上打滚,现在已经是不见其狗,已闻其味的地步了。有时我在后院晾衣服,他就会专门跑到我身边,不管我是多么地想跟他保持距离。

3.无聊时喜欢挖洞 拜托Samson,请不要再挖我们家后院的土了。你老爸不带你去散步是他的错,不过你挖洞挖太多也伤你爪子啊。

4.要求按时就餐 如果不按时喂他就会遭受他的撞门抗议。不过告诉你Samson,抗议是没有用的,你一天$1.5的狗罐头就是用来锻炼你耐性的。
